Friday, September 30, 2011



Yep it’s official, I now have a vintage purple toilet paper collection! They say you gotta have two or more of a similar item before it’s a collection. I just bought two vintage packages of toilet paper and I guess I’m now a toilet paper collector. Normally I only pick up old packaging with fun character graphics or kid related products, but I flipped when I saw two purple packs of old toilet paper for sale! Wow! Who would save such a thing? The fun about collecting vintage advertising is asking, “How did this survive?”

Holy Purple People Eater! Let’s take a look at this purple TP that would look plum snazzy in the bathroom of Batman’s foe The Joker!

The first is a 1964 Northern four pack with lavender colored rolls.

It says it has 650 sheets per roll. That’s plenty of paper to teepee the neighbor’s house on Halloween or use to make a purple, excuse me, lavender Mummy costume. (Sorry. Tomorrow starts the annual Halloween countdown and I’m kinda in trick or treat mode.)

The next one is a Kleenex Boutique Tissues package from 1974.

I guess toilet paper technology advanced ten years from the Northern pack days. This one is 2-ply. Was this a 1970's innovation? Did they even have 2-ply back in the 1960s?

Ooh, check it out! It has a soft'n spirited starburst pattern.

This Kleenex pack has an offer to order your very own Latch Hook Rug Kits!

Yes, something for the whole family to enjoy until it’s sold at a garage sale in 1984.

Keeping with the purple/lavender theme, here’s a Cannon Monticello ad from 1972.

This bathroom probably has a roll of purple toilet paper just out of frame!

Oh and by the way, if you see a house covered in purple toilet paper this Halloween, don't blame me 'cause I'm keeping these packages under wraps!

1 comment:

  1. Ha, I was just checking in to see if you started your Halloween countdown (I've just started my modest celebration), and found this post. So now for the big question if you don't mine me asking- how much does vintage toilet paper cost?
