Wednesday, June 06, 2012


Ray Bradbury's time machine reached its final destination on June 5, 2012. His journey through time was filled with imagination and dreams.

Even though I only had a brief encounter with Mr. Bradbury back in the 90s, I felt like I knew him personally. I suspect most people familiar with his work feel the same way. Here's the book he signed for me during my one and only meeting with him. 

Watch the 1963 short film - Ray Bradbury: Story of a Writer.  I remember watching this in my 9th grade english class in the 1980s. 

Ray Bradbury will be missed but his works will continue to inspire, enlighten and entertain for many future generations. 


  1. I knew you'd have an interesting post about him, Todd. I suspected you were well influenced by him. Rest well Mr. Bradbury. You've earned it.

  2. You met him in Louisville didn't you? I wish I would have gone to that show.
