Tuesday, December 04, 2012


Back in September during a roadtrip, I visited one of the coolest museums that I've ever stepped foot in and that's the American Sign Museum in Cincinnati, Ohio! 

The museum opened in 2005. In June 2012, the museum found a permanent home in an old woman's clothing and parachute factory in the historic Camp Washington area.

When you arrive, you're welcomed by a towering Carpeteria Genie. Once inside you'll feel like your wishes have been granted because time doesn't exist. Decades of signs from the 19th and 20th century converge all in one place. Tod Swormstedt, the museum's owner and curator has done an amazing job with the layout of the museum. It has a very comfortable flow as you walk through.

Oh man...this place is neon nirvana to the max degree with lots of colorful eye candy! It's just so cool walking among these signs as they flicker and buzz.


I was happy to finally see the Sky Vu Motel sign that was originally from Kansas City, Missouri. This one was saved in the nick of time from the junk heap by photographer Jim Seelen. He donated this beauty to the museum. Click here to look at Jim's photo set Saving Sky Vu on flickr. 

Beep! Beep! This Fergi Car Wash sign wins the blue ribbon for the cutest neon sign in the museum!

The streets in heaven might be paved with gold but the streets at the sign museum are lined with neon. They've created wonderful street scenes complete with faux storefronts. 

The museum is much more than just neon. The collection includes many styles and different types of signs going back to the 1800s.

The museum also honors the sign makers with artifacts relating to the art of sign making. As a Star Wars fan, I enjoyed seeing this sign kit that belonged to sign maker Chuck Beauchemin.

One thing that makes this museum top notch is they encourage everyone to take photos. With so many museums with no-camera policies, it's nice to find one that allows you to snap away! Btw, you can't take a bad photo at this place. Just click and presto another awesome shot!

The museum is always acquiring and rescuing signs, so you never know what signs might be lurking about waiting for restoration.  

There you have it! Now jump in your jalopy and visit the American Sign Museum. It truly is a must visit! What are you waiting for? Do like the sign below says and just GO!


  1. Very cool! Love that Howard Johnson's sign.

  2. Glad you enjoyed the museum and thanks for the high praise. Despite your comment about not being able to take a bad picture here, these are some great pictures.

  3. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I've been a glassbender for almost thirty years and can't wait to visit the museum, you folks seem to have done a wonderful job. Thanks for keeping the memories alive. Jess Baird - Liberty Neon Sign Co.

  4. Beautifull photos and great blog!

  5. Anonymous11:21 AM

    WOW! I never knew about this museum before! Now THAT is a destination to travel too! Fab photos and thanks for posting all this wonderfulness!
