Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Cartoonist Tom Batiuk apparently caught Jedi fever and created an ongoing series of Jedi Jokes within his comic strip Funky Winkerbean. I was a regular reader of Funky and was happy to see the Jedi Jokes show up. Eventually readers were invited to send in their own Jedi Jokes for a chance to have them turned into a comic.

I remember cutting out and saving most of the strips, but for whatever reason only two survived, tucked inside a scrap book.

Using Google newspapers, I was able to virtually cut out the strips and post them here. Not sure if I found them all, but here's a good nice collection to bring back some fun. (Click on the strips to go slightly bigger.) 

We first start with three Return of the Jedi related strips that were published before the Jedi Jokes.

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