Saturday, June 01, 2013


For Star Wars and movie poster collectors, the famous Revenge of the Jedi poster is one of the more sought after posters from the trilogy. Most know the story that George Lucas decided to ditch the Revenge for the word Return due to the fact that a Jedi would never seek revenge. The change came late in the marketing of the film and some promotional items with Revenge got out, including the Revenge of the Jedi poster. Supposedly the poster was selling for big money on the collector's market. To help offset the high price, Lucasfilm made the remainder of the posters available through the fan club.   

Here's the first announcement by fan club director Maureen Garrett in Bantha Tracks #17.

According to an article on, only 9000 of the posters were released. Lucky for me, one of those 9000 posters hung on my bedroom wall thanks to my grandma who ordered it for me.  

The poster was made available in issue #19 of Bantha Tracks for $9.50 postpaid. My grandma even dated my issue above the cutout order form, 2-22-83! I remember being really anxious for my poster to arrive. After what seemed like forever, a triangle shaped tube showed up on our doorstep. My poster had finally arrived! I spent that evening taking down all my football pennants from my bedroom wall so I'd have the perfect place for my Revenge poster.     

My bedroom wall circa 1984 with the Revenge poster.

That poster stayed up on my wall for the remainder of the 1980s. I eventually took it down and stored it away. In the early 2000s I finally gave in and sold it to a collector. My grandma got the biggest kick out of the substantial price I sold it for, especially when she only paid $9.50!


  1. I forgot you sold the Revenge poster. Did you sell the rerelease poster too?

  2. I have the elaborate fold out one from Variety, I paid whatever the cost of a copy of Weekly Variety was in the early 80's, couldn't have been more than $2-3.

  3. Love The Blog
    And What An Amazing Grandma
    Really, To Be So Hip To What Her Grandson Loved

  4. I missed the whole Jedi run on your blog, sorry about that.

    I did post my own tribute though -
