Hey there folks! Let me introduce myself - my name is Lee Roy and I’m the mailman here in Neato Coolville. First, let me say thanks to all the loyal Neato Readers out there that have been sending in mail asking what has happened to this here blog.

All of us town folk believe that the Mayor has fallen off the face of the earth! Really, we can’t find the guy! He hasn’t been in Pearly’s Pumpkin Pie Shoppe for weeks and he’s missed important meetings at the Platypus Lodge. Usually on his lunch hour he can be seen hanging out at the Cosmic Clown Arcade. We even checked with Timothy Grimm the gravedigger at the Weird Hollow Cemetery. We were glad to hear that the gravedigger hasn’t buried anyone all month.
We’ve searched every little nook and cranny of our beloved town and the Mayor is nowhere to be found.
The good news is that we did find our old revolutionary war cannon that’s been missing since 1976. We found it under a giant pile of polyester pants and leisure suits inside the Minute Man Dry Cleaners over on Bicentennial Blvd.
We’ll keep searching and when we find him we’ll put him back to work on new blog posts. Until then, I might just have to show off my collection of belly button lent. I’m proud to say I’ve been saving my belly button lent since the third grade!
Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Lee Roy
Mailman of Neato Coolville