Thursday, July 01, 2010


You would think seeing a UFO shaped house at the Pink Elephant Antique Mall in Livingston, Illinois would be cool enough, but the place also has a Muffler Man standing around.

I’m a fan of these fiberglass behemoths and I always get a charge whenever I meet a new one. Not sure where this guy originally came from, but since he’s wearing a Harley Davidson shirt, one can assume he once stood in front of a motorcycle shop.

“Me Muffler Man. You puny human. I crush your head!”

The Pink Elephant also has a giant beach guy (not a Muffler Man) and appropriately a giant pink elephant. You can see 'em in my photos from 2006 here and here.

1 comment:

  1. jeremy10:56 PM

    I am pretty sure this is a Paul Bunyon. There was one just like it in Lakewood, WI. He is holding an axe, which is missing from this one.
