Back in 1980 in the 5th grade I ordered this poster from the Weekly Reader book order form. It appealed to my ten-year-old brain because of its
Wacky Package style humor and the basic fact that it was a poster with a ton of stickers. Wow, I had never seen a poster that was also a giant sticker sheet. 80 stickers, oh boy, I was going to be in sticker heaven! When I got my poster, I was really in a dilemma. I wasn’t sure if I should hang it on the wall or go sticker crazy and stick the stickers anywhere and everywhere. After some deep thinking I decided to go sticker crazy! To the chagrin of my parents these little square stickers started showing up on my walls, my dresser, my desk, my lampshade, my notebooks, my lunch box and even on the collar of the family dog, Bluebell. Savoir-Faire they were everywhere!
Here’s the only photo evidence of my sticker sticking handy work on the lampshade in my bedroom.

And a close-up of the two stickers seen in the photo.

Through the years the stickers disappeared and became sort of a forgotten memory. Just a few weeks ago I found a stack of some of my old
Star Wars paperbacks. I flipped thru ‘em seeing if I had left any bookmarks or baseball cards inside and sure enough an unused sticker from my poster popped out.

The memory of my poster came rushing back and I quickly scanned it and posted the lone sticker to flickr. Naturally, my pal
Dan, said he had the original poster with the stickers intact and he would try to scan and post ‘em to
flickr. Dan did one better as he just packaged the poster up and mailed it to me for my collection. After I opened the package, I flipped when and the sticker poster fell out. I had no idea Dan was sending it to me. A great gift from a great guy and I’m very thankful to have it! This time I’ve decided not to stick the stickers and to keep the poster intact.
Though it is tempting to go sticker crazy again!
Here’s some of my favorites -

Thanks to
Dan Goodsell for helping me get a piece of my childhood back!