Folks have already contributed some wonderful old snapshots, kid drawings, and local newspaper scans. Come for a visit and while you’re there checking out the shag carpet and the shag haircuts, be sure to join flickr, then our group. Flickr is free to join and you can post a limited amount of photos. You can also pay for a pro account for unlimited uploads.
Now go and dig out some of those old photos of you blowing out the candles on your R2-D2 cake or the snaps of you dressed like Yoda during Halloween. We would also love to see more vintage Star Wars kid artwork and crafts. Bug your mom to see if she saved any of your early masterworks and post ‘em to Growing Up Star Wars.
I added these to the group -

Sounds like a good idea. I may have to check that out!
Yeah, me too!
What a great Flickr group! I am SO there. I must go through my old pics this evening and find some to contribute.
Glen & Mike - Hey we should set up a group just like this one!!!
Jeff - Glad to have you in the group. Have fun digging thru your old photos and we'll be looking forward to what you found!
I will definitely dig around the old photo album crypt and see what I have to contribute as well. I have to ask though, what is going on in that first pic of yours? I don't see anything Star Wars in it. Is it your shirt? Or something you're throwing? Or your hair that looks like a Death Star Commander helmet?
Steve - I'm sure you have some classic stuff! Ah, it should be for my helmet hair, but no I'm wearing a C-3PO t-shirt and shooting off my laser finger. I still have the shirt -
i joined! i need to get access to the family photo albums, but i do have a polaroid of me with darth vader at my parochial school in 3rd grade.
Thanks for joining Johnny! Can't wait to see the polaroid!
Somewhere I have a polaroid of the "family" of R2D2s that we formed out of various sized models. I'll have to send it, idiotic though it might be.
Rufus - That's great and idiotic the better!
I'm gonna have to do some serious digging in the albums to find some Star Wars stuff...I'll be sure to post if I come across any!
I discovered your blog a few months back and I wanted to let you know how much I love it!
This flickr group is a great idea. In 1980 when I was 14 I created a 72 page comic epic of what I thought Return of the Jedi might be. I posted it all on my blog awhile back. It might be too big for your flicker group. Here's the link for the fun of it...
Narvolicious - Have fun digging and if you find some fun SW snaps, thanks in advance for adding 'em to the group!
Dave - Thanks for the nice words about the blog! Wow, I just read your Jedi comic epic and its amazing! I always wanted to see Chewie fight Vader! Thanks for letting me know about it and feel free to post the cover to Growing Up Star Wars and then add the links for the pages in your description!
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