First up is Merry Christmas from the Painters.

I can just imagine the amateur photographer, which we can assume was Mr. or Mrs. Painter setting up this little set. He/she or maybe both of ‘em worked together to set up this little scene. “Honey, where’s the box of Ivory Snow?” I like that they made little Santa foot prints in the snow. They probably printed up a couple dozen of these photos and mailed ‘em out as their Christmas card. Way to go Painters!

In this second Christmas snap we see a nice photo of a couple relaxing next to the Christmas tree.

Hey, wait a minute, you can see through the woman. Yipes! Is she a g-g-ghost?

Ah, our photographer, the man holding the camera switch button thingy must have pressed the button a bit early creating a double exposure of his wife. Hmm... they do look kinda alike. Shirley, that’s not the same guy dressed as a woman. I’ll let you decide.
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