Monday, October 14, 2024

Halloween Packaging Day 14 -- Slim Jim and the Zombie Hands

Yes, my title kinda sounds like a 1960's Rockabilly band but we're still checking out Halloween packaging and in this post we're looking at zombie hands.  When I was going through my collection of Halloween packaging picking out some of my favorites, this Slim Jim box from 2013 kept clawing to the top of the list.  It's simple and perfect and a zombie theme for meat sticks was a good choice.  

Then I was surprised how many products I had that have a lone zombie hand on the package.  Let's take a look a look at 'em. 

In 2015, Red Baron Pizza had a green zombie hand rise up. of the Baron's victims back from the dead maybe?   

Then in 2017 Crush soda crushed it with various monster hands crushing their logo.  Look closely and you'll notice this zombie hand is the exact same one from the Red Baron box.  Glad so see it found a job that Halloween season.

From 2015 is this Mike and Ike box.  I wonder if that hand belongs to zombie Mike or zombie Ike?

Takis made a flavor around this zombie hand and they're still available.  This bag is from 2018.

A stretchy zombie hand showed up on this 2010 box of Totino's Pizza Rolls.

So if a zombie hand pops out of the ground offering you a sour apple sucker I'd suggest you don't accept it and run away!!

Here's a gummy lollipop in the form of a zombie hand! This is part of the Zombie Bites line of gummy candy.

The zombie hand of Paul Tergeist.  Now laugh hysterically like a 5th grader.  Go ahead, it's okay. 

Our final zombie hand package is at your local Walmart now and it first appeared on shelves last Halloween.  This one is so much fun and I bet a lot of monster kids will be saving this bottle.  Btw, the hand glows-in-the-dark.  

1 comment:

FrankO said...

i suppose it makes sense that so many food and candy products would resort to using zombie hands, because everyone knows that zombies are hungry, but it seems like it makes more sense to use them for meat products than anything else. That being said, that sprinkles bottle is great -- it even looks like a chemistry flask -- and the glow in the dark hand on the top makes it a keeper. i'd be tempted to use them as spice bottles or something.