Friday, April 18, 2008



I'm not into gas or oil collectibles, but I picked up a bunch of 1960's Super Service Station mags the other day because they have some great ads. I like to mine old magazines for ad characters and these have a bunch.

So far I've only scanned a few ads and these are the ad characters I found from the 1963 issues.

If you want to see the full size ads that they came from click on any of these links to my flickr page.

1963 Federal-Mogul Service Ad
1963 Ammco Ad
1963 Oval-Flo Muffler Ad
1963 McCord Ad
1963 Maremont Muffler Ad
1963 Hastings Ad
1963 Dill Tire Valve Ad


tikiranch said...

Hi Todd
Let me know if you are going to part with the lot. I have a thing for the old trade mags.

Mr. Karswell said...

These are great fun! Ad characters from this era really had a special spark of life to them and are beautifully (and expertly) designed. These characters did so much for the product they were helping to sell... modern advertising seems to forget this, especially when you look at unappealing characters like the Geico gecko, or pretty much any character on a box of no-brand knock-off cereal.

Waffle Whiffer [Brandon] said...

I think we can trust these guys to fix our cars. Good stuff.

Kevin Kidney said...

I love the Federal Mogul Man!!!