To learn more about Gus Arriola's comic strip Gordo, you can visit Don Markstein's Toonopedia.
To learn more about Gus Arriola's comic strip Gordo, you can visit Don Markstein's Toonopedia.
I like the fact he picked Rick Springfield to share the cover with Stretch Monster!
Great work Jason and thanks for sending it in.
Also, be sure to check out the WishbookWeb.com a wonderful Christmas catalog site that Jason helps maintain.
Reports from some of the classmates said that Kenneth was the last presenter for Show & Tell and he gave a proud presentation to the class about Stretch Monster. Afterward, he left Stretch Monster on his desk and was outside during the full duration of third recess. Mrs. Knewlman interviewed each student to find out who might have committed this gruesome crime.
Mrs. Knewlman removed the murder weapon and bandaged Stretch Monster with two large band-aids across his chest.
All the students were instructed to take their seats and sit quietly until the murderer confessed. She also handed Kenneth a box of tissue as he was distraught.
For the next hour until forty-five minutes after two o’clock, not one student had come forward to confess the crime. Mrs. Knewlman announced that no one would be able to leave their desk to catch the school bus until someone confessed.
Finally, at fifty minutes after two o’clock, the murderer raised their hand and confessed to this horrific crime. The little murderer was actually a little murderess. A girl by the name of Misty had stabbed Stretch Monster. Her reason was a mixed bag. She first said she just wanted to see what was inside of Stretch Monster. That was followed by some tearful waterworks and the full truth. She confessed that she was jealous of Kenneth’s Stretch Monster and wanted one for herself. Earlier in the day, she asked Kenneth if she could have the toy. Kenneth vehemently told her, "No way, Jose."
During third recess, she asked to go inside and use the restroom. She skipped the restroom and instead purchased a five-cent official NFL football pencil out of the pencil machine. She sharpened the pencil to a fine point and then carried out her act of murder.
She was apprehended and was served a swift punishment with a paddle to the heinie and was sentenced to miss all recesses the next day while writing sentences on the blackboard.
The Stretch Monster murder case was closed and another school day in Mrs. Knewlman's 2nd-grade class was over.
Kenneth moved onto other toys and continued to bring items for Show & Tell. He became very popular after bringing a small plastic trash can filled with green ooze called Slime.
Misty's crime career continued as she stole a stack of Star Wars cards and beheaded a baby doll later in the school year.
This is a true story and I was there to witness it.
All names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Well...Stretch Monster’s name wasn’t changed, but everyone else's name involved was changed.
Inside the box attached to one of the Star Wars posters was a refund sheet that listed and pictured some of Kenner’s toys.
Unfortunately only the Stretch Octopus Ollie and Olivia are shown, but at least Stretch Armstrong and our hero Stretch Monster are mentioned. Thus the very small cereal + SM connection!
All you had to do was cut the proof of purchase from the toy package and mail it in for a refund.
I loved the 2 Sided Star Wars posters and this one used to hang in my bedroom when I was a kid.
As you can see I only colored Vader’s lightsaber. I’m sure I was too anxious to hang it on the wall and decided to forget about coloring. Hey, I had plenty of coloring books to color and I didn’t have any works of art with a Star Destroyer hanging on my wall.
Ok, I think I’ll get my box of crayons out and finish it 29 years later.