Strolling thru the Target store the other day I noticed a bin of $1.00 DVDs and found Blooper Bonanza 1960's. This DVD is a must buy for just a buck since it has the classic Star Trek bloopers along with bloopers from Laugh-In and McHale’s Navy.
I’m sure most people have seen the Star Trek bloopers at various Trek and comic conventions or even own some old bootleg VHS tapes with ‘em. But the real gem on this DVD are the Laugh-In bloopers. I’d only seen a few clips and not the whole thing and folks let me tell you they’re hilarious all 20 minutes worth. The McHale’s Navy bloopers has a few chuckles, but nothing great.

So you better hurry up and visit your local Target before they sell out. They’re kept in their Dollar Store section up front.
Thanks for the copy of the bloopers NC!! You're right. The Laugh-In bloopers are hysterical!!
I was wondering if they were worth getting, or if it was all stuff that I could see for free on YouTube, so instead I bought three Davey and Goliath DVDs I found in the dollar bin.
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