I didn't have this book as a child, but I'm sure I would've loved it if I had. This 1960's Scholastic book has a collection of spooky stories taken from various other story books going as far back to the 1920's. The illustrations by George Wilde really set the mood and the back cover is to die for!

This really rings a bell! Thanks Mayor!
Ha, that book should be in my house somewhere.
I can remember looking at the pix a lot when I was young. The skeleton on the back cover confused me.
To my young eyes the fingers of the hand on his head appeared to be cracks in his skull, and so to me it looked like those arm bones were bursting out of his head.
wow, i used to check this one out of my elementary school library constantly! another piece of my childhood rediscovered, thanx!
Those are great illustrations. Thanks for sharing them!
I had a scholastic book of ghost stories when I was a kid, but not that one. Great illustrations!
I had this--it mat=y still be kicking around somewhere
Now, I too am wondering what happened to my copy of this book. Hmmm.
(my word confirmation is "killater". And here I was going to do all my killing now.)
I LOVED ordering books from the Scholastic flyers we got in school! I had this book. Didn't it have a record with it?? I also remember ordering stuff from "Mr. Peanut" during that time also where you'd send in wrappers & quarters etc. and remember Mallo Cups & Smoothies? You could save the "coins"? They've started making those again and still have the coins... also stuff from comic books like the "book safe bank" is one thing I ordered.
I bought this book from elementary school "book order," when I was in second or third grade. It was one of my favorites; I must have read it 100 times at least. I still have it. I was delighted to see it mentioned here.
I never had this book, but it seems like I may have checked it out from a Library. Mainly because the illustration of 'King of Cats' seems so familiar to me. However, now I must track this book down!
I had this book and loved reading it. This post sent me on a search to identify another Scholastic Ghost Stories book. I finally found it. 13 Ghostly Tales:
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