Wishing all you boils and ghouls out there a Happy Halloween!
This month zipped by in a flash and the 2009 Halloween Countdown is almost over. I hope that you’ve been clicking on the countdown banner in the sidebar and visiting some of the other Halloween bloggers. There’s been some excellent posting going on this year!
A Big haunted thanks to everyone who has stopped by this month. I’ve really appreciated all your comments and emails!
Congrats to Kodama, the big winner of the Monster Head Races!
Thanks to Major Pepperidge for supplying his fab photos for the Halloween Flashback Fifty-Nine post!
More thanks goes to the Williams brothers, Larry and Tim. Without you ghouls KRYP-TV would be kind of bore! Go watch Vlad's Halloween greeting!

Tomorrow, Neato Ghoulville will slither back under a rock until next year and the blog will be restored back to Neato Coolville. Posts will be on the slim side for most of November, cause the mayor needs a bit of a break. Hey, I gotta scrounge some stuff up for 12 Days of Christmas!
Everyone be safe, have fun and be neato cool to everyone this Halloween!

Enjoyed your countdown posts, as always :) Happy Halloween!
Great job NC!
Happy Halloween, Todd!
Happy Halloween, Todd. Thanks for another great countdown.
Happy Halloween, Mayor! I hope you had a great one. With all those trick or treaters, I imagine you do need a break!
Thanks for the always-entertaining posts! I'm already counting down to next year...
I dig the new logo NC!
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