I've been going thru piles of old (found) snapshots the past few days and came across this photo of two teenagers. I think the young man looks like Leonardo DiCaprio's Jack Dawson character from the movie Titanic.
here for an update and my thoughts on this photograph.
i m so glad that he was real bcuz at least now thre is proof. it bothers me when people say that he is not real bcuz i know he is.
Hey There... I really hope that you will write back to me on this one... Where did you find the photo? when was it taken? I have seen a totally other different picture of Jack Dawson ( Joseph )And i'm sorry to say so but it dosen't look him... So I really hope that you would write so I can know if yours is the rigth one or the other is... my e-mail is: muzer_usa2003@ofir.dk
well no offense to you but Joseph isn't his real name and Jack wasn't an irish person he was american. He says in the movie Titanic that he was rather from Wisconsin or Minnesota.
Jack Dawson was not real. James Cameron himself (the guy who wrote Titanic)said that he had no idea that there was a real J. Dawson on board of the actual ship. Joseph Dawson is the guy buried under that grave stone in Halifax, and he looks nothing like Leo. He was a crew member on the ship for the third class. The story of Rose and Jack isn't true. They aren't real people, though as much as we would want them to be, they aren't. Hate to disappoint everyone, but that's the facts.
why is there a picture of a young man siting and looks like the froma the movie.
Hey I don't think that the STORY of Jack and Rose is true, but it would be interesting to see if there was a real Jack Dawson. If his name was Joseph then whatever. Oh well.
DiCaprio doesn't have to look like the real guy (if he existed) "and he looks nothing like Leo."
hey gd actding jack dewson i cann't bevelie only one boat came back 1500 people dead that day only 700live
You know that could very well not be Jack Dawson But an ancestor of leanardo De'caprio(however you spell his name) There is no way that there would be a coincedence that he would look like the character he was playing unless he was related to him insome way which i doubt cause Jack dawson DIED in the water, so he couldn't of had any kids. Sorry to disapoint you but that seems like the truth 2 me.
well he could look like leonardo dicaprio if leonardo dicaprio was made to look like the real person he protrayed...think of mr andrews from titanic, there was a mr andrews in real life and he actually created the titanic and was responsible for all the ppl and making sure the boat was up to all the blueprints. he had a grey suit and tie and grey curly hair. sound fimaliar??? uh huh! mr andrews was made to look EXACTLY like the real mr andrews and the captain was made to look like the real captain too. so it can happen you know but idk, the man that made the movie said leonardo wasnt protraying anyone real and with that said, its just a coincodence that there was a real boy with the same name jack or joseph or whatever. so ya dont dwell on it too much and strain yourselves cuz weither or not there is a real person that actually traveled on the titanic and happened to have the name jack (GASPPPPP!!!!!), weither or not leonardo looks like him or not, the film maker didnt intend for that. so ya.
what do people mean when they say he is'nt real, like how did they make the movie, if he was'nt real??
im confused
what you found and studied has nothing to do what actually happened. all people know is what people who survived said & i'm sure that the people that did weren't focused on if jack dawson was really on the ship.& it says that jack isnt real b/c he wasnt really suppossed to be on the ship and that he jumped on before the ship left.therefore nobody had him on record. &if he isn't real how did rose tell the story she did & remember all this stuff about him. you kno the real rose that was on the ship plays the old lady telling the story in the movie?
why r yall all saying jack isnt real? what is up wth yall, i mean 4 real? the reason there is no recored 4 him is b/c he boarded the ship rite when it was about to leave duh!??!! and by the way rose was makin up the whole story? i think NOT!!!!! SHE TOLD HER STORY EVERY DETAIL! jack dawson is REAL!!!!! and if u think otherwise then ur stupid! th eanswer is rite infront of u! but ur too stupid to c it! o and the reason he got his ticket at a last min. is b/c he won the ticket in a lottery game, cuz he didnt have the money to buy the tickets so he played 4 it!! DUH!!!
his real name is james dawson,
and he is real or the story wouldnt make any sense. that was the whole pint of the story,
about rose and jack falling in love and then all that happened and then the ship sinking.
ohhhhh myyy godddd!!!! people are soooo dumb. it makes me soo mad that people think titanic is just a story and isnt reall. well jack is reall ive seen pics of the reall him. he is reall. now there is proof of him. PROOFF and if people think he isnt real. well your wrong and dumb!!!!!!!! (:
ok im totally clueless on this,tht pic was prolly tooken during the makeing of the movie,no jack dawson is fake BUT the person who played "jack" in the movie is real.
Wow! Honestly how old are you people? James Cameron the director of the movie stated in an interview that yes the story of the Titanic is real and all the historical figures he added to his movie such as Thomas Andrews, Captain Edward J. Smith, Molly Brown, and many more were all real people who traveled on the Titanic. He also stated that Jack Dawson and Rose Dewitt Bukater were fictional characters he felt they had to be a part of the movie so that people would get emotionally connected to the love story and they could feel the true horrors of the Titanic and what it must have felt like to lose someone you loved on that night on April 14th 1912. JACK DAWSON AND ROSE DEWITT BUKATER ARE NOT REAL! I repeat..JACK DAWSON AND ROSE DEWITT BUKATER ARE NOT REAL! I hope i have gotten my point across. I have been studying the Titanic for my entire life, if there is someone who knows if Jack and Rose were real people its me. If you dont believe me look it up james cameron says exactly what i stated above in an interview. I know we would all love it if they were real but we cant always have our way. Now someone said something about a Joseph Dawson. Yes there was a man names Joeseph Dawson that traveled and died on the Titanic. He joined the Titanic as a trimmer. This man is NOT Jack Dawson, he was just a 23 year old man from Dublin, Ireland. Which proves my point the Jack you all know and love was from wisconsin. Please everyone, be mature and look at the facts. The director said himself Jack and Rose were people he made up stop talking if you dont know what your talking about. You are putting false information about the Titanic and its passengers out, and its very annoying to me, someone who cares deeply about the subject and has been studying it for many years. If any of you have questions feel free to e-mail me. raquelcaruso@ hotmail.com Thank-you
The story of a 1st class and 3rd class passenger falling in love is true but jack and rose arent real so your all dumb.
hahah WOW you guys cant even tell that the picture looks so FAKE!!
you can tell its photoshoped!
stupid ppl i must say!!
I looked up list of all the passenger tht were listed and in the newspaper from when the Titanic sank. I looked under every list until I found a Dawson. I eventually found one under engineer crew. His name was Joseph. But tht doesnt prove anything. I honestly belive there was a Jack Dawson. Rose survived and she knew wht happened tht night better than anyone else here.
ok they made the movie by the ship. i mean they cant just make a movie about a ship sinking. so what they did was made a love story around it...duh!!! and leonardo DiCaprio was perfect for the job...he is hott
god what the hell is wrong with u ppl he is real and u wannna know how i know im his sisters granddaughter so ya yall can all shove it cuz he is really and the story about him and rose is true ive heard the story so stop dis ing him cuz yall aint no shit so stop saying things that you dont no shit about
I've never been happier! I hope he looked like leonardo dicaprio!
Made a video of this picture you guys. Check it out! Just copy and paste on the link below!
for real?
Rose DeWitt Bukator(Bukater) was a completely fictional character created for the film "Titanic." There is not a single verifiable or credible source anywhere to indicate that anyone by that name was a passenger on the Titanic. Read the passenger manifest for yourself if you want to find out the truth.
And yes there was a "Joseph Dawson" on the Titanic, but he was a worker, not a passenger (as has been explained elsewhere). His body was one of those recovered after the disaster, which is why there is a "J. Dawson" headstone in the cemetery.
The existence of an old black and white photograph of an anonymous person who bears a slight resemblance to Leonardo DiCaprio has zero relevance to the truth.
Just setting the record straight.
Joe Bowen in Jackson, Miss. said, who thought up the story about Jack Dawson as Rose was the old lady who lived to be nearly 100 is what I have read & why would she lie. Playing the "Devils" advocate, it does make a great love story & is believable. I say the move again today with Leo Decaprio and Kate Winslet and every time I see it my heart goes out to these two soul mates. I surely would like to see the Louis XV1 diamond broach which was they said 15 carats of diamonds and a large saphire. I can never figure who only one boat came back to rescue the hundreds in the water freezing to death unless they figured they would have been swamped and all would have perished. Also the Carpathia could have been there within 30 minutes I have also read and they thought with the flares, etc that they were celebrating & waited to approach.
Thanks & hope they make another Tiatanic & it would have to be good to beat this one. Joe G. Bowen
in Jackson, Miss
I think it does look like Leo. The point is not that this is Jack Dawson but that this person looks like the character "Jack Dawson" and from around the same era. How can you say it does not look like him? It's obvious it does. Of course this is not the Jack Dawson from Titanic. There was not one on board. But I am sure someone named Jack Dawson existed back then. Just not Titanic the movie's "Jack Dawson" Think outside the box...ya know.
ok so its true that JACK DAWSON didn't exist in real life...
but what about the drawing of Rose made by Jack...is it true or fake?
Oh My God guys! You all need to seriously get a grip. Yes the film Titanic is based on true events, and yes, some of the people are based on actual people, based upon years of research and studies into the disaster. But the love story is FICTION! not real. DIDNT HAPPEN. Get over it guys.
Okay it is historical FICTION do you know what that means?Its based on a real disaster but most of the characters like Rose and Jack are completely FAKE.Its basicly a MADE UP love story its NOT real.Okay???
I Love They story Of Titanic...And I Love The Story Of Rose And Jacko Dawson...I Am Glad He Is Real And Deep Down In My Heart I Always Knew He Was Real...(: I Will Always Remember This Story, And Hope Everyone Else Does Too! (: Jacko Dawson And Rose Will Live On Forever! Thanks For Posting This Photo!
OMG some of you morons are like 10 and wanna believe it was a true love story. Guess what kiddos: ITS NOT.
Now get over it and go watch cartoons or go on facebook you losers.
ok yah loosers if jack and rose is not true explain how you know the story and heart of the sea and all the founded jewlry if it wasnt for the passenger in the century rose .come on think.
jack isn't real that person might be real but what happened in the movie was fiction. IT NEVER HAPPENED. They were all made up characters that James Cameron created. get it through your thick skulls it wasn't real.
you guys are so freaking stupid. I'm probably younger than most of you and i know for a fact that Jack Dawson and rose Dewitt Bukater were fake. Its fiction in meaning not real. yes the titanic was real and some of the characters were real, but jack and rose weren't real people they never existed. and the old women in the movie was not rose she was an actress named Gloria Stuart, she was only 86 when they filmed titanic. James Cameron himself said they weren't passengers on the titanic.
there is ?
in the las few years, i have be came very intrested in the titanic, so this is very intresting to me, i and im ver glad he is real!
Okay everybody lets get this straight. Jack Dawson, Rose Dewitt Bukater, her mother, Mr. Lovejoy, Cal Hockley, and Jack's friend Fabrizio where not really people on the Titanic. During the time this story was set in there was no relationships or friendships with third class and first class people. Yes the people that played them are real actors and actress. The story of them meeting and falling in love is entirely made up, fiction, or in other words FAKE. There may have been a J. Dawson on the manifest from the Titanic but this is not a real life man. James Cameron said so himself in an interview that he gave on the movie. That he had no idea about a real J. Dawson being on the ship when he wrote the script for the movie. He has said so in countless interviews. This picture you say is the "Real Jack Dawson" is nothing but a wardrobe check in a black and white developed photo sorry to say. JACK DAWSON IS NOT REAL AND NEITHER IS ROSE PEOPLE GET OVER IT!!!!!
The story of Rose is true, but about Jack,I do not know... Cause they only put J.Dawson, which stands for Joseph Dawson.
I cannot believe the stupidity of people on here… Rose and Jack were FICTIONAL characters from the film Titanic (1997). The film was based on the real events of the Titanic when it set sail on its maiden voyage and sank a few days later in April 1912. This film did feature real significant people who were on the Titanic but Rose and Jack never existed. They are the creations of James Cameron’s mind. Yes, there was a man on board with the name J. Dawson but this was NOT Jack Dawson and nor was he the basis of the fictional character. Joseph Dawson was a worker on board the titanic, note that he was a worker NOT a passenger, and he was one of the people who died the night the ship sank and his body was later recovered. If you don’t believe me go look it up the ship’s passenger list and Joseph Dawson on Google it should be easy to find. A photo of an unknown man does not make good evidence to prove the existence of a fictional character.
On a final note to the person who said this:
“Anonymous said...
god what the hell is wrong with u ppl he is real and u wannna know how i know im his sisters granddaughter so ya yall can all shove it cuz he is really and the story about him and rose is true ive heard the story so stop dis ing him cuz yall aint no shit so stop saying things that you dont no shit about”
Now, you’re most likely to be a troll but if not I’d recommended you look up the word ‘gullible’ in the dictionary and maybe go see a psychologist.
Jack is real and u all whom dont believe in him are morons peeps peace out !! , if he wasent real, how would they of thought how to make titanic movie, u idiots morons
hey, my names hannah im 15 years old and just to say that a member of my family died on titanic. hes name was: Harry John smither,he lived in southhampton just near were i lived. if you could find a pic of him. it would so make my day, really trust me i would love you forever,because no one from my family has no pic of him, and this to me , is find it soo intresting! my email is: funcky.hannah@hotmail.com thank you x
AMEN!!! U can say that again
Awwwww so touching I wish someone find at least one!
I love this movie one of my fav..y hate on such a wonderful movie.doNT be mad ur love not that strong!! I know he was real!! To u all who dont believe that's ur dumb life,one day jack Dawson will be back,in the next life time.kiss kiss.
jack dawson could be real with that picture of him but we all know that he isn't duh
Every freakin 1 of u sound like a bunch of uneducated, desperate, & not 'the sharpest tools;' go 2 school, get a job, or just simply do something productive. These computers & facebook, etc have clearly liquified every last brain cell you may have possessed. Enough about the IMAGINARY people on the Titanic. Its all public record; if you wanna know who's real & who's not freakin do some actual research! Ignorance is viral these days!!
Im confused. Why would James Camron just do a story about Jack and Rose like fictional. Or maybe there was actually was a story liked that. Just with different names?
Jack Dawson was a fictional character created for James Cameron's movie. Rose Dewitt Bukater was a fictional character made for James Cameron's movie. Gloria Stuart, a Hollywood actress from the 1930s played the elderly version of Rose and only passed away a couple of years ago. Of course, some argue that they were real and use the argument that Jack snuck on board. However in the movie, Rose did not sneak on board, not did any of her family, and none of their names are on the passenger list. Here is a link: http://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/titanic-first-class-passengers/
Most of the other First Class Passengers were real people, and Rose's mother, Ruth, is based on two real passengers who travelled in First Class.
As for the picture, who knows where it came from. There have been millions of Americans, Brits, and Irish people born since the the early 1900s, just because I find an old picture that looks similar to a character in a movie does not mean that it is them.
Joseph Dawson is real
I don't care what James Cameron said he doesn't know what happened on the Titanic their could of been a love story like that!! Idiots
nobody knows what happened on the titanic but they people that were on the titanic so everybody that is saying that rose and jack arnt real shut up because it dosnt matter if you been searching facts all your life you will never know the true story of the titanic and the two passengers rose and jack.i do believe there were real people called rose and jack and that they loved each other but who knows.so all you un believers just shut up,you dont know anything .nobody does
hes real
To the people that are saying: (how could James Cameron come up with the story of the titanic if rose and jack were not real?)Ok, so he came up with the idea of the film because the sinking of the titanic is real and just like with every other hollywood movie he added characters to the movie to make it more interesting. If the writer himself stated that he made up the story of jack and rose then thats the truth! As much as I wish they were real people the facts all say they were made up. Please stop being so dumb!
He exist. Trust me i watch Da titanic everyday
Says the one who can't even spell worth jack.
You're the stupid one, there was no such thing as photoshoping before. This picture was ovbiously taken back in the 1900's.
Ty so much 4 ur post..u r right about all of it & now here is something u don't know..my great grandmother was a survivor on titanic & she remembered a Joseph dawson..i don't know anymore than the fact he was real & onboard..my great grandmother died b4 i could ask questions
you and anyone that can believe that you the granddaughter of his sister are real stupid he didn't have a sister he was an only child supposably his mother and father died when he was 16 and there is no Jack Dawson or Rose on the Titanic they're fictional so everyone will talk about them
NOOOO! HE IS NOT REAL!!! Jack Dawson is a made up character. Rose is made up, too. Just because there is a picture of a teenager who looks like Jack, one cannot assume that it IS him! There was a crew member named J. Dawson (John) but that wasn't based off of him and James Cameron did not know that when he made the movie.
Okay just because he looks like leonardo dicaprio does NOT mean he is jack dawson. It simply means he looks like leo. Not jack. They are two totally different people!!!
The movie is just that.."a movie".However,do your research. Its available on the internet. Jack Dawson is a fictional character in the movie. The storyline itself is based on actual events,but some of the characters were fictional just to make the movie more interesting. Movie producers do this all the time with true stories. That's why at the beginning of most movies based on actual events states that"some characters are fictional and have been changed to protect the privacy of the actual people involved "Word to the wise,dont believe EVERYTHING. you see on television.
The real Joseph (jack) dawson
The real Joseph Dawson (jack) not the pic above
You guys have a really strong faith! That why jacks and roses lovestory was not real has been explained to you so many times but you still dont get it. Yes who knows if there was a lovestory wich was same sort like in the movie. A first class girl or boy fells in love with a third class boy or girl but hey, seriously jack and rose were not real people! Man who wrote the movie script created fictional lovestory and named them jack and rose. Just random names. That old lady was an actress. If you still say that jack rose and their story was real you better go to see doctor.
And i think that the young man in the photograph really looks like leonardo di'caprio.
It's quite possible he COULD be real if you follow details from the movie only Titanic survivors were listed in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd classes. Jack Dawson was NOT one of those Titanic survivors obviously because he's dead right? As Rose mentioned I think she lied about her name and could be listed as a 3rd class passenger and completely ignored as a 1st class passenger. If you researched information in the movie and the story it is quite possible the characters were real!
Again, as much as we would like Rose and Jack to be real people, alive and had a happy ending,unfortunately, they did not. Its like saying Santa and the Easter Bunny is real. The movie Titanic wasnt really about what happened to the ship, its about a love story that happened in that ship. James Cameron even said that people know what will happen to the ship that is why they made the love story very interesting that it made the movie titanic more than just a sinking ship, but a greatest story ever told in movie history.... If pictures come out saying the characters are real, then they are, but dont let our fantasy take us away from the reality, sometimes, we tend to believe our own fantasies. Also, sometimes people do have look alikes, like rihanna, beyonce or mariah carey, anyone out there may have their own look a likes. God bless the souls of the Titanic passengers. :)
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