Forget the Jack O’Lantern buckets, skip the trick or treat bags and ditch those tacky pillow cases ‘cause I’m going trick or treating with my vintage 1980's Kentucky Fried Chicken bucket!
Now I just need to make myself a Colonel Sanders costume.

I can picture some little trick or treater holding out this Kentucky Fried Chicken bucket and instead of candy they get a bunch of greasy fried chicken! It's finger lickin' good!
I think the Colonel Sanders zombie needs to make another appearance NC!
Mike...the mental picture of zombie Colonel Sanders will haunt Vlad for many days to come. Oh who am I kidding? Colonel Sanders is welcome at Vlad's table ANY time... as long as he brings the undead chickens and his original herbs and spices!
Ask our humble mayor to show you the pic. It's quite disturbing, in a good way of course!!
I know I'd love to see it. :)
... And now I'm *really* craving KFC.
Mike - I better not as the ghost of Colonel Sanders might haunt me.
Vlad & Dane - I'll email you a the photo.
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