A Disneyesque queen and princess had to stop for mom’s camera before they hit the street in search of treats. Seconds after this Kodachrome was snapped, these girls probably raced out into the neighborhood giggling with Halloween excitement. I hope they found some goodies!
The lavender princess is holding a trick or treat bag like this small version.

The blue queen is holding a better bag, one that was given out at the Food Fair Supermarket. I like that the black cat is wearing a clown mask.

This slide comes from Major Pepperidge, the guy behind that Disneyland time machine blog called Gorillas Don’t Blog. Thanks to the good Major you’ll be seeing a few more treats during the countdown.
Gorilla's Don't Blog is a terrific place to visit.
I like your obsessive analysis of the photo.
Wow, very cool that you have a small version of that same bag!
I hope the kids aren't going to go trick-or-treating YET, it's way too light out!! Only little kids and scaredy-cats go door to door when the sun is still up.
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